Vanina Ivanova
Vanina is a marketing professional with a passion for blogging and efficient communication. Currently, she’s the CMO of AdEx – a blockchain based advertising network. Vanina is a long-time WordPress user and a first time WordCamp speaker. Follow her on Twittter: @inks.
Петър Николов
Разработчик с над 20 години опит. Преди 11 години основава своя собствена компания. От 9 години в Mobilio се занимават само със мобилни разработки и десктоп приложения предимно за Apple платформите. Привърженик е на на Mobile First идеологията и вярва, че тепърва ще се удивяваме на нови постижения на мобилния фронт.
Nikola Nikolov
Nikola Nikolov is the lead developer and owner of Paiyak Development. He has been working with WordPress for 7 years and is passionate about the WordPress community and developing in general. Mentoring — informally in the office and formally with clients — has been a big part of developing his own skills and knowledge base.
When not coding, Nikola devotes his time to his two children and wife (Taking them along to most WordCamps) and hopes one day to have enough time to pursue paragliding.
Kat Christofer
Kat is a California native and former journalist working for Automattic, writing and editing documentation for 400+ WooCommerce products. Her journey began in 2007 at, then moved to self-hosted and building e-commerce stores for private clients. A digital nomad for two years, she travels full time and is in love with the sea but surfs badly.
Find her on Twitter at: @katchristofer
Boyan Yordanov
I am a senior software engineer at Shtrak and community cheerleader. My main languages are PHP and JavaScript, but I always strive to learn new things. I’ve worked on various projects including design and implementing complex systems and RESTful APIs, WordPress sites and plugins. I’ve also helped introduce testing to ongoing projects and currently help and teach colleagues how to do it in order to improve the quality of our projects. Outside of that I am heavily involved in the local communities, being the main organizer of the PHP Varna user group and a member of the organization around the local hackerspace VarnaLab.
Radka Nacheva
Assistant Professor at University of Economics – Varna, who is interested in HCI, Cognitive Science and Usability. I love traveling, exploring new places, meeting new people and listening to music to enrich my emotions.
Luc Princen
Luc Princen in an independent developer from The Netherlands. He works a lot with WordPress, loves open source, elegant code, fast load times, barbecueing caveman-meals and playing the occasional (grand) strategy game. You can find him on Twitter with the handle @LucP
Noel Tock
I’m a Swiss Digital Nomad that enjoys building solutions online. I’m also a partner at Human Made, a top tier WordPress agency (and VIP Partner). There I oversee the growing product portfolio (Nomadbase, Happytables, WP Remote, etc.). If you need enterprise solutions built on WordPress, talk to us.
I’m a jack of all trades, master of none, usually bouncing between product management, UI design and front-end development. The projects I enjoy working on most, target small businesses and the long tail, democratizing opportunity so that smaller players have a shot at being successful online.
Верослав Ценов
Работя като системен администратор в СуперХостинг.БГ. Един от последните проекти, в който участвах, бе свързан с разработка на кеширащо решение на ниво уеб сървър. WordPress е една от системите, на които обърнахме сериозно внимане и срещнахме интересни предизвикателства. С участниците в WordCamp Varna ще споделя натрупания опит в този процес и ще обърна внимание на редица подводни камъни, за които всички да внимаваме.