Лекции (Sessions)

WordPress API – минало, настояще и бъдеще

Ще бъдат разгледани трите основни APIта на WordPress – нативното през PHP, XML-RPC и REST-API. Какви са предимствата и недостатъците им? Кога, кое е по-добре да се ползва? Защо самоделките вече не са на мода и трябва да се наблегне на REST API.

A WordPress blog as an MVP for a business

My friend and I pondered over setting up our own marketing consultancy business. However,  we were worried that it may not succeed so we decided to test it with a minimum viable product: a WordPress blog about digital marketing.

This way, we would establish our authority as marketing experts, and would measure the potential interest in our services based on the number of inquiries we got. Plus, we’d get to see if we work well as a team.

How WordPress and Working Remotely Helped Me See the World

Have you ever wished you could surprise a friend or go traveling without counting how many vacation days you have left? Have you ever dreamed of a job that gave you the freedom to work from anywhere at any hour, without relocating or sacrificing money, opportunities or time with friends and family?

Me, too. Now I’m doing exactly that.

You can, too.

In this presentation, you’ll learn how WordPress played a big role in making my dream a reality, what tools I use to stay productive, and where I’ve been so far.

I’ll also discuss the pros and cons of being nomadic, myths about working remotely, how to determine if it’s right for you and practical steps you can take to start your own journey.

My story is uniquely personal but applies to a growing number of people seeking alternatives to a traditional workplace, plus companies looking to attract talent without geographical limits. The presentation is also visual and practical, giving people both inspiration and insider tips from an experienced nomadic and independent traveler.

In the Q&A, I encourage everyone to ask me anything.

Automated Testing For WordPress Sites

We’ll briefly cover what is meant by automated testing, what types exist and why we need to do it. Then we’ll move to which is most beneficial for a WordPress site or plugin. We’ll cover what is BDD (Behavior Driven Development) as a tool to bridge the gap between developers and the business trough the syntax used for writing tests. Then we’ll explore the WordHat extention for Behat which provides integration between the testing framework and WordPress. We’ll finish off with a few „real world“ examples and possibly a live demo.

Emotional Design in Web

As a human beings we are guided by our emotions which have a great impact on our decisions. Our rational side in many cases is pushed into the background. The researches of psychologists about emotions are used even in field of human-computer interaction and especially in web design. These help designers to choose and compose the right UI elements, just to create a product for giving as much as possible user experience.

Not Your Grandpa’s CSS: Working with CSS Grid

CSS Grid is getting some major browser support these days. What is it? How can you apply it? and why should you care? We’ll handle these questions and look at how you can start to apply grid workflows in your WordPress themes the next day.

Изграждане на ползваеми интерфейси за клиенти

Най-големият проблем, който една WordPress агенция обикновено среща с клиенти е как да ги накара да използват лесно и удобно административния панел на своя сайт. Лекцията ще направи преглед на различните начини за това как лесно да направим един сайт ползваем от клиента – визуални редактори, custom надграждания на визуални редактори, custom разработени интерфейси.

Product-Driven Websites: Achieving Results from Day One

How do you design and make decisions for the WordPress websites you build? As competition increases, the process through which websites are produced will become increasingly important. In his talk, Noel will tackle this challenge from a product-focused approach – to help you build more successful websites, quicker.

WordPress – не е страшно да кешираш!

Какви са настоящите възможности за кеширане в WordPress. Какви са предизвикателствата, когато кешираме WordPress извън него (Varnish/Nginx). Кои особености да съобразим и няколко практически съвета за ефективно кеширане на WordPress сайтове.

Детска работилница

Лектор: Петя Райковска


Като част от WordCamp Varna 2017 екип от ентусиасти организира безплатна работилница за деца, в която ще им помогнем да създадат своя първи сайт на WordPress. Децата работят с доброволци с опит в разработката с WordPress, които им помагат да направят първоначалните настройки и ги водят през процеса на създаване на различни видове съдържание.

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Contributing to the WordPress Core

Лектор: Марин Атанасов

Ще разгледаме как да си инсталираме средата за разработка на WordPress, как да разгледаме наличните бъгове и feature requests и как да вземем участие в тяхната разработка, тестване и обсъждане.


Host: Marin Atanasov

We will go though the installation of the WordPress development environment, how to review existing bugs and feature requests, and how to participate in their development, testing and discussing.

Translating WordPress

Лектор: Георги Попов

С цел да направим WordPress достъпен за повече хора, ще разгледаме как можем да допринесем към преводите на ядрото, разширенията, темите и другите проекти, които движат WordPress напред.


Host: Georgi Popov

We will talk about translating the core, plugins, themes and other supporting projects that help WordPress move forward and reach more people.

Delivering Better Presentations

Лектор: Ванина Иванова

Ще се научим как да правим по-добри и смислени презентации. Ще си говорим и за това как да ги изнасяме уверено, така че да на аудиторията ни винаги да й е интересно.


Host: Vanina Ivanova

We will learn how to prepare better and more meaningful presentations and talks. We will also discuss how to deliver them with confidence so we can captivate our audience.

Organizing WordPress Events

Лектор: Станимир Стоянов

Ще разгледаме как се организират WordPress събития – сбирки и WordCamps, и ще покажем как всеки един може да се включи в това, като по този начин помогне на WordPress да достигне до повече хора.


Host: Stanimir Stoyanov

We will look at the best practices of organizing WordPress events – meetups and WordCamps – and we’ll show how everyone can participate in this, helping WordPress reach more people.

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